您的位置:黄埔信息网 >社会热点 > 中国好声音背景音乐大赏析 聆听隐藏在背后的优美音乐

中国好声音背景音乐大赏析 聆听隐藏在背后的优美音乐

时间:2016-08-22 15:40:00来源:黄埔信息网

《中国好声音》(The Voice of China)第四季是一档由浙江卫视联合星空传媒旗下灿星制作打造的大型励志专业音乐评论节目,于2015年7月17日在浙江卫视播出。节目邀请了周杰伦、庾澄庆、那英和汪峰担任导师。首期节目播出后全国网收视率数据为2.72,创四年来首播全国网最高收视纪录,同时拿下当天所有时段所有节目收视冠军。2015年9月1日,电视荧屏开始为期5天的纪念中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年集中宣传展播,第八期节目移至9月6日播出。[1]截至2015年9月11日,汪峰、那英、周杰伦、庾澄庆组4强已全部诞生,汪峰组为黄霄云、张鑫鑫、贝贝、黄勇;那英组为长宇、孙伯纶、张磊、朗嘎拉姆;周杰伦组为陈梓童、李安、关诗敏、李幸倪;庾澄庆组为张姝、赵大格、谭轩辕、马吟吟。

《中国好声音》是由浙江卫视联合星空传媒旗下灿星制作强力打造的大型励志专业音乐评论节目,以《荷兰之声》(《The Voice of Holland》)为灵感来源。它不仅仅是一个优秀的选秀节目,更是中国电视历史上真正意义的首次制播分离。“盲选”以及导师、学员双向选择的概念所营造的悬念,营造了良好的关注点。













LEONA LEWIS - Footprints In The Sand

ou walked with me

footprints in the sand

and helped me understand

where i'm going

you walked with me

when i was all alone

with so much i no along the way

then i heard you say

i promise you

i'm always there

when your heart is filled

with sorrow and despair

i'll carry you

when you need a friend

you'll find my footprints

in the sand

i see my life

flash across the sky

so many times have i

been so afraid ooh

and just when i

have thought i've lost my way

you give me strength to carry on

that's when i heard you say

i promise you

i'm always there

when your heart is filled

with sorrow and despair

i'll carry you

when you need a friend

you'll find my footprints

in the sand

when i'm weary

well i no you'll be there

and i can feel you

when you say

i promise you

i'm always there

when your heart is full of

sadness and despair

i'll carry you

when you need a friend

you'll find my footprints

in the sand

oooooo mmmmmmmm


You shoot for the stars

If it feels right

And in for my heart

If you feel like

Can take me away, and make it okay

I swear I’ll behave

You wanted control

Sure we waited

I put on a show

Now I make it

You say I’m a kid

My ego is big

I don’t give a sh*t

And it goes like this


Take me by the tongue

And I’ll know you

Kiss til you’re drunk

And I’ll show you

You want the moves like jagger

I got the moves like jagger

I got the mooooooves...like jagger

I don’t even try to control you

Look into my eyes and I’ll own you

You with the moves like jagger

I got the moves like jagger

I got the mooooooves...like jagger

Verse 2]

Baby it’s hard

And it feel like you’re broken in scar

Nothing feels right

But when you’re with me

I make you believe

That I’ve got the key

So get in the car

We can ride it

Wherever you want

Get inside it

And you want to stir

But I’m shifting gears

I’ll take it from here

And it goes like this


Take me by the tongue

And I’ll know you

Kiss til you’re drunk

And I’ll show you

You want the moves like jagger

I got the moves like jagger

I got the mooooooves...like jagger

I don’t even try to control you

Look into my eyes and I’ll own you

You with the moves like jagger

I got the moves like jagger

I got the mooooooves...like jagger

You want to know how to make me smile

Take control, own me just for the night

But if I share my secret

You gonna have to keep it

Nobody else can see this

So watch and learn

I won’t show you twice

Head to toe, ooh baby, roll me right

But if I share my secret

You gonna have to keep it

Nobody else can see this

And it goes like this


Take me by the tongue

And I’ll know you

Kiss til you’re drunk

And I’ll show you

You want the moves like jagger

I got the moves like jagger

I got the mooooooves...like jagger

I don’t even try to control you

Look into my eyes and I’ll own you

You with the moves like jagger

I got the moves like jagger

I got the mooooooves...like jagger

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