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boat是什么意思(boat, ship, canoe 小船大船独木船)

时间:2021-04-10 11:30:19来源:黄埔信息网

boat是什么意思(boat, ship, canoe 小船大船独木船)

boat, ship, canoe, steamer, vessel, craft 这些名词都含有"船"之的意思,差别之处请继续往下看哦。

1. boat 泛指任何大小的船只,尤指靠划桨或风帆行进的无篷小船。

We'd seen the storm brewing when we were out in the boat.


boat, ship, canoe 小船大船独木船?分不清楚,看这里

2. ship 含义广,一般指大轮船,如航海船只,内河航运船只。

The ship would lie there mirrored in a perfectly unmoving glossy sea.


boat, ship, canoe 小船大船独木船?分不清楚,看这里

3. canoe 指长而轻,用桨的小舟、独木船。

We beached the canoe, running it right up the bank.


boat, ship, canoe 小船大船独木船?分不清楚,看这里

4. steamer 指靠蒸汽发动机为动力的船只。

A small boat edged down upon the big steamer.


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