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时间:2021-04-21 01:39:52来源:黄埔信息网




“万不得已”,汉语成语,意思是表示无可奈何,不得不如此。可以翻译为“have no other choice but,out of absolute necessity”。与英文惯用语“as a last resort”意思相近,表示“as a final option, usually when preferable ones have failed”。


zhè shì yī gè wàn bù dé yǐ de bàn fǎ 这是一个万不得已的办法。This is the last resort.

wàn bù dé yǐ shí,yī shēng jiāng jìn xíng shǒu shù 万不得已时,医生将进行手术。As a last resort, the doctor will perform surgery.

bù shì wàn bù dé yǐ,wǒ men bù huì chū cǐ xià cè 不是万不得已,我们不会出此下策。If it hadn’t been out of absolute necessity, we would not have taken such an unwise decision.

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